How Music Shapes Us…

By Michael

I think we can all agree that the music we listen shapes our lives in different ways.

It can alter your mood depending on what you listen to… not only that, it helps us identify who we are as people.

We build our social groups based on what music we like, it’s almost as if we create these little cults that you can only be a part of if you like the same music. 

The first music we are exposed to before we are even aware of it is the music that our parents play.

Don’t get me wrong we don’t always like the same stuff as our parents but somewhere along the line we will probably find some common ground. For me, my first common ground for my parents was The Eagles, and to this day is one of my all-time favourite bands.


Even before I knew I was going to be a musician, The Eagles had begun to shape my life, the social groups I would be part of, and the musical choices I would make in my future life. 

The things I deem important when I create music stem from this band and their style of music.

Basically, I am a sucker for nice chunky harmonies.


My parents would play The Eagles to my brother and I to make us go to sleep as babies, this has probably had the biggest impact on my life. It doesn’t matter where I am, what I am doing, or what mood I am in, the eagles will always put a smile on my face… and make me a little sleepy.

Throughout my musical career I have played many instruments with varying levels of success, but regardless of what I was playing, groove and musicality was always the most important thing. Through my years of playing guitar in bands I was never much of a “shredder”. I’m rarely fussed about how many notes someone can put into a bar (unless it’s done tastefully), I would much rather hear someone play less notes with loads more feel. Even now in my current career of making the majority singing while playing drums, I don’t really care about playing flashy drum fills, I tend to sit in the groove and sing those big chunky harmonies.


If you ever feel the need to listen to some great country music, the album ‘One of The Nights’ is one of my personal favourites, but I would genuinely recommend putting any Eagles album on. I may be biased because they are one of my all-time favourites but I would be surprised if you don’t find something you like.

Much love,

Michael x